Millers Forge Scissor Pet Nail Clipper with Safety Lock model 743C
Millers ForgeThe Millers Forge nail clipper model 743 is just right for small to medium size dogs. It's made especially for those breeds. The clipper is really strong and will last a long time. Vets and groomers love using it because it's the best. This nail clipper has a special guard to keep your pet's nails from getting cut too short. It's designed like a pair of pliers, so it's quick and doesn't hurt. The blade is super sharp and cuts nails perfectly. The handle is covered in plastic, so it won't slip out of your hand. Plus, it has a lock to keep it safe when you're not using it. If you want an easy and painless way to trim your pet's nails, this nail clipper is perfect. It's great for you and your pet.
Hold pet's paw securely with one hand and clip with the other. Cut in one smooth stroke.
If your pet's nails are extremely long trim just a small amount and repeat in 10 days. Avoid cutting off large amounts at one time.
Cutting the nails immediately after bathing will make it easier to see the quick and easier to cut.
Applying baby oil will serve the same purpose. Avoiding cutting off too much at one time.
If pet's nails are very long, cut off a small amount and wait about a week to 10 days until nails are at desired length.
Monitor the nail length and monthly trimming should be sufficient thereafter.